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Frequently asked questions

What kind of books do you write?

I write slow burn, age gap romances with spice. In my books you can also find: protective heroes with a soft spot for their girls only, scorching tension, healthy relationships, and sex positivity. 

When is your next book coming out?

My third novel, The Deepest End of Love (Lila's book), is releasing on September 24! You can check out all the available details here. Are you ready for my spin on the student x supervisor trope? 

How many books are there in The Brightest Light series?
There are three books. The Brightest Light of Sunshine, following Grace and Cal, and The Darkest Corner of the Heart, following Maddie (Cal's baby sister) and James, are out now. The Deepest End of Love, following Lila (Grace and Cal's daughter) and Reed is coming out September 24!

What are you currently working on?
I am currently working on my fourth book. It's a complete standalone that has nothing to do with The Brightest Light series. It's a whole new world with new characters! I've been writing this book on and off since 2022, and I'm finally ready to publish it. I can't share any details yet (I know, I know), but stay tuned for updates :) 

When will you release...?

I always share release dates and other bookish updates on my social media pages, so keep an eye out!

Will your books be translated into my language?

Check out the translations page of my website for news about foreign editions. 

What about audiobooks?

The audiobook of The Brightest Light of Sunshine is out now and you can listen to it hereThe Darkest Corner of the Heart is also available on audio here. The Deepest End of Love will also be coming to audio and I will share all the info when I have it.

Will we get any special editions of your books?

You can expect a special edition in late 2024 and another one in early 2025. I can't share any details yet, but stay tuned!

Do you sell signed copies?

Yes! I'm fortunate enough to be working with Scribbles Book Shop, who's now selling signed and personalized copies of all my books to US/Canadian readers. Quantities are VERY limited, so grab yours while they're still available. Here's the link

I am an influencer in the book community. Can you send me an ARC or a copy of your book so I can promote it?

ARCs for my upcoming release, The Deepest End of Love, are available now! Request your copy here.

Digital ARCs of my books are always uploaded to Netgalley a few weeks before release. The best way to know when those are up is to follow me on Instagram, since I'm the most active there. For a chance to get a physical ARC (when available) or a promotional copy of any of my books please contact my publisher.

Will you ever write a book in Spanish?

As many of you know, I'm Spanish and so Spanish is my mother tongue. Even though I have no plans to write a book in Spanish right now, never say never! 

Why do you write in English if you are Spanish?

I started writing in English when I was around ten to practice my language skills (I used to suck at English). It soon became a habit, and now it's simply something I'm used to.

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